Headquarters and Service Company Camp Claiborne June 1942

Headquarters and Service Company Camp Claiborne June 1942 [Photo © Michael Finlayson]
(Click to enlarge)

The following photos have been submitted by Michael Finlayson, son of Colonel Harold C Finlayson, USA, Retired, who was Tech Sgt during the time when the group picture above was taken. You can see Mr. Finlayson as 14th from the left, front row. His original comments to each photo you may read as captions in quotation marks.
Photo 01
"C. D. Porter – First Sgt of the company. He and I became good friends and buddied around together. When his mother came (from GA) to visit him one weekend we went into Alexandria, LA, for a night on the town. As a good Catholic he went to mass and I had to wait on him until the service was over!"

Photo 02
"Howard Bryson – pre-army friend of mine from Bryson City in western North Carolina. To avoid the draft, Howard chose to enlist in the army and I was able to get him assigned to the 330th regiment."

Photo 03
"Howard White – Master Sgt. He and I had been part of the original cadre for the 330th."

Photo 04
"Mac McDermott – Master Sgt – in charge of vehicle maintenance for the regiment. He had been brought into the regiment by the colonel who commanded the newly formed 330th. He had worked for the construction company which the colonel owned and operated – pre-war."

Photo 05
"Me sunbathing trying to get rid of my white pallor. I was the regimental personnel Sergeant (with 5 stripes). After a few months the 330th engineer regiment was required to send a cadre to establish the 333rd General Engineer Regiment and I was selected to be the Regimental Sgt. Major. After about 2 months I decided to apply for Officer Candidate School. After being selected in early November 1942, I was transferred to the OCS at Camp Lee, VA"

Photo 06
This picture of some Claiborne tents is a postcard Tech Sgt Harold C Finlayson sent his mom

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