Eddie White
am (we are) seeking information concerning my grandfather (my father's
father). Around 1995 my father started looking for his natural father,
but unfortunately his research came to a full stop in 1998. Last year I
became curious about "my roots" because at that point basically all our
relatives had died ... (apart from my parents and my brother).
my father was 18 he learnt from his mother, that the man he thought was
his father (who had died when my father was 14) was indeed not his
natural father. He learnt, that his father was an American soldier, who
wanted to marry my grandmother, but suddenly his unit had to move and
so they lost contact.
 Eddie White 1946
his search my father visited the US Army Military History Institute,
Carlisle Barracks. There - with the help of staff - he was quite sure
to identify my grandfather's regiment:
The 333rd Engineer Special Service Regiment.
this is the point where our research came to a stop, because my father
found out, that unfortunately all the pay rosters from 1944-1946 were
destroyed by fire.
So maybe you can help me?
All I know about my grandfather is the following: His
name was Eddie White (or Eddie Withe as my grandmother noted on the
back of the only picture we have of him - my father thinks this is a
misprint), he played the trumpet in a small band and he was stationed
(civil quarters) from about mid-1945 to mid-1946 in Nauheim/Gross-Gerau
(near Frankfurt/Main). His nickname was "Whitie".
you can give me any hints how I can continue the search .... ? The
sheer volume of information available on the net about WWII makes me
feel numb. The word "Regiment" seems to represent a huge number of
military personnel .... maybe you can give me a hint how I can obtain
information concerning what troops were stationed at Nauheim?!
Thank you for taking time to read this, Verena Annette Hartmann.
MORE (Big Picture with Names)